Old Inns from all over New England claim to Have a resident Ghost, or as I call them, Friendly Spirits. Harriet is ours, she is loving and playful, even helpful at times. Harriet Came here in the early 1800's with her family as a young women who was active and curious. She and her family would come up to the Berkshires every summer and because the travel was so great, they would stay till fall. One summer she came up with her family and she and a farmer boy had a sweet romance and fell in love. The farmer boy wanted to marry Harriet and went to her parents for permission. When he asked her parents, they refused to even entertain the idea. When he asked "Why not?' they replied " You could not possibly keep her in the way in which she was used to (meaning he wasn't rich)." So broken hearted Harriet and her family went back to New York and farmer boy enlisted in the war. The following summer Harriet returned to be married to a New York "rich boy" and so the ceremony took place shortly after the fact that they were married.
The farmer boy came home from the war only to realize his true love was being married as they spoke. So he went as fast as he could to the Inn and entered the Inn, ran up the stairs to the ballroom and demanded she STOP the wedding. He said "Harriet run away with me. We don't need anyone but each other we will be happy together." she replied "I'm already married, the ceremony is already over." He being so brokenhearted again, took out his pistol, shot her and yelled "If I can't have you no one can!!". She stumbled across the ballroom floor; down the ballroom stairs and past away, in Bedroom Four.
For one hundred years there was said to have a blood stain on the floor were Harriet landed that they could not remove. Shortly after Farmer boy shot Harriet they took him into to custody and two days later hung him from the hanging tree, out side the Inn. Now when I hear singing in the Ballroom, and Music Boxes going off, or Lady's footstep in the hall, I know it's Harriet. She's delightful and I hope she never leaves. Sci-fi Channel came in in 2005 and did an investigation on her, which aired on "Ghost Hunters." Harriet left them a little something. A note left in the guest book in room six. Just a "Big question mark." I don't think she understood why they were there, or did she want to tell us something...
Discovery Channel came in not so long ago and did there own investigation and found the "BOYS" playing cards in the ballroom and caught on Audio tape "Lay Down your cards." The show will air when they get eighteen more provable Inns, Taverns & Hotels. Keep us posted and we will announce it.
There are so many stories that I've heard from people that stayed here before me, and the stories told by the Old Innkeeper of the past, chef's and waitstaff from the restaurant. There are truly so many stories, tales and sightings. That you have to believe that they were here before us and they will be here after US!!!